Comprehensive definitions for Jynx
's exported types
import CSS from 'csstype'
Though not directly exported from the package, a considerable amount of the Jynx's type
system is derived from its use of csstype
, an open
source package providing strict TypeScript types for CSS styles based on MDN data.
Any instance where CSS
is being accessed with dot-notation, this is the type being used.
interface CSSProperties extends CSS.StandardProperties<number | string>, CSS.SvgProperties<number | string> {}
The CSSProperties
type is a marginally stricter abstraction of CSS.Properties
that combines standard CSS properties with SVG properties and allows the use of both
and string
types within these.
Its main use case is to provide type definitions to values of a specific CSS property which is often accessed dynamically from the type using bracket notation.
Below is what an example implementation may look like:
const foo = <T extends keyof CSSProperties>(property: T, values: CSSProperties[T]) => {
/* do something */
Here, property
will be a string-key of CSSProperties
and will be used to define the
type for values
. Therefore, if the argument for property
is 'margin'
, the argument
for values
would need to be of the type CSSProperties.margin
export type CSSInterpolation = number | string | CSSObject | undefined
In short, CSSInterpolation
is a safer way of saying 'any CSS value'.
It acts as a starting point in situations where you know you need a CSS value but are unsure for what CSS property.
interface CSSObject extends CSSPropertiesWithMultiValues, CSSPseudos, CSSOthersObjectForCSSObject {}
The CSSObject
type is essentially CSS
as a POJO that is compatible with CSS-in-JS
In most cases it's used as a return type - primarily from style functions like
and space
- and is taken directly from
The type itself is an extended interface made up of a number of internal type definitions,
all of which are essentially re-instantiations of CSSProperties
, and
can be see below for reference.
* CSSPropertiesWithMultiValues
* @private
type CSSPropertiesWithMultiValues = {
[K in keyof CSSProperties]: CSSProperties[K]
* CSSPseudos
* @private
type CSSPseudos = {
[K in CSS.Pseudos]?: CSSObject
* CSSOthersObjectForCSSObject
* @private
interface CSSOthersObjectForCSSObject {
[propertiesName: string]: CSSInterpolation
It also helps to future-proof the library by integrating type support for pseudo selectors (a feature set to be added in an upcoming release).
type StyleProp<T> = T | ResponsiveStyle<T>
The StyleProp
type is used to define any style declaration that will be passed to a
style function, with a prime use case being in style function prop types like
and SpaceProps
It takes a generic argument of T
and allows its values to be either of type T
or a
ResponsiveStyle with each value being of type T
As a simple example, if we wanted to type a property so that it could receive:
- a specific type of CSS values
- a
of a specific type of CSS values - a
of a specific type of CSS values
this would be the type to use.
/* Based on the type provided, this value could be: */
/* a number - e.g. 8 */
/* a string - e.g. '8px' */
/* a ResponsiveArray of number | string = e.g. [8, 16, '24px'] */
/* a ResponsiveObject of number | string = e.g. {_: 8, sm: '16px', md: 24} */
const prop: StyleProp<CSS.Property.Margin> = 8
type ResponsiveArray<T> = [T, ...T]
is a tuple type used when defining
responsive styles. It allows the
variable to specify an array of values typed by the generic argument T
, which are then
mapped to media queries generated from the breakpoints in the current theme.
The first item in the array is required and therefore must be defined (in other words, you
cannot use an empty array or never[]
You can then add as many additional items as necessary (hence the rest parameter) but be aware that once your array has more items than your theme has breakpoints, the surplus values will be disregarded.
type ResponsiveObject<T> = { _: T } & {
[key in keyof DefaultTheme['breakpoints']]?: T
Like ResponsiveArray
, the ResponsiveObject
type is used when
defining responsive styles. It
allows the variable to specify an object containing key-value pairs where the keys
reference keys of theme.breakpoints
and the values are typed by the generic argument
The object must contain an item with the key '_'
which is used as the initial value.
Subsequent entries are then added using a key that corresponds to that of the desired breakpoint and assigning it the value intended for the correlating screen size.
type ResponsiveStyle<T> = ResponsiveArray<T> | ResponsiveObject<T>
The ResponsiveStyle
type is a simple intersection that allows a variable to be either a
or a ResponsiveObject
It take a generic argument of T
which is used to type the values in the provided data
type StyleFunction<T> = {
(props: T & { theme: DefaultTheme }): CSSObject
config: StyleFunctionConfig
The StyleFunction
type is used to define a style function like
or space
The type consists of the function itself which takes a single argument of props
returns a CSSObject
. The props
argument is an object which is defined by
the generic argument of T
combined with a theme
property; typed as
. It returns a CSSObject
which can then be
parsed by CSS-in-JS libraries.
Style functions also contain a config
object, accessible through *.config
, which
provides the StyleFunctionConfig
used to create the function.
This is used under the hood by the compose
interface StyleFunctionConfig {
[key: string]: {
property: keyof CSSProperties
scale?: keyof DefaultTheme
transformer?: TransformFunction<any>
is the type used to outline the structure of the config
passed to createStyleFunction
It's made up of a series of 'CSS property keys' each defining:
: the name of the CSS property used in the style objectscale
: an optional string reference to the key within the theme object of the property's corresponding scaletransformer
: an optionalTransformerFunction
used to alter the values before they're added to the style object
Visit the
page to see exampleconfig
objects and how to use them.
type TransformFunction<T> = (
value: T,
scale?: DefaultTheme[keyof DefaultTheme] | Record<string, any> | any[]
) => T
The TransformFunction
type is used to define any transformer that's passed in a
. It takes a value typed by the generic
argument T
and must return a value of the same type.
It can also receive an optional scale
object/array which the parser will attempt to
retrieve the given value from before returning it as raw CSS.
The scale should ideally exist within the DefaultTheme
, however, it is
safe to also pass any object or array as, if the value is not found within the scale, then
it's returned as raw CSS.
export interface BaseTheme {
breakpoints: DefaultBreakpoints
space?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.Margin<string | number>>
fontSizes?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.FontSize<number>>
colors?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.Color>
fonts?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.FontFamily>
fontWeights?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.FontWeight>
lineHeights?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.LineHeight<number>>
letterSpacings?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.LetterSpacing<number>>
sizes?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.Height | CSS.Property.Width>
borders?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.Border>
borderStyles?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.Border>
borderWidths?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.BorderWidth<number>>
radii?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.BorderRadius<number>>
shadows?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.BoxShadow>
transitions?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.Transition>
zIndices?: ObjectOrArray<CSS.Property.ZIndex>
The BaseTheme
interface is a loosely typed object that acts as a fallback when a
is not defined.
It helps to maintain a base level of strictness by providing the parser with a rough idea of what to expect for certain values.
interface CustomTheme {}
The CustomTheme
type is an empty interface that can be extended with your own themes
type, allowing type-safe access to theme values from within certain props.
type DefaultTheme = BaseIfEmpty<CustomTheme>
is used throughout Jynx
to provide access to the type of the current
global theme.
It uses a internal custom utility type (BaseIfEmpty
) to conditionally resolve to either
or BaseTheme
depending on whether CustomTheme
has been defined/extended.
type ThemeValue<T extends keyof DefaultTheme> = DefaultTheme[T] extends string | number
? DefaultTheme[T]
: DeepLeaves<DefaultTheme[T]>
The ThemeValue
can be used as a way to access theme
values from within a style
functions property.
It takes a generic argument of T
which is a string reference to the key of the
corresponding scale
within the theme
that the theme values should be taken from.
If the 'scale
' is a string
or a number
(i.e. a single value as opposed to an
object/array) then that value is used, otherwise an internal utility type (DeepLeaves
is used to recursively obtain all the nested keys and create a tuple from them using
type ThemeProps<T> = {
theme: T
is used to tell the compiler that a variable receives a theme
as one of its
It takes a generic argument of T
which is used as the type of the theme